Monday, June 27, 2005

Reactions to Erin Matson's article, "I'm a Feminist, but..."

Hi there,

I just recently discovered your zine, and I must say that I love it! I wanted to say that I really liked Erin Matson's "I'm a Feminist, But..." because I too have known people who try to be "feminist enough" for the others. But isn't the point of feminism to be able to be yourself? Hell, if you like heels and lipstick, wear 'em! It doesn't make you any less for equal rights for women. Thanks so much for acknowledging this!



Blogger Dupa Jasia said...

I should not trouble them now, but for the importunities of my wife, who feels to insist that a duty to society is unfulfilled, till I have told why fioricet I had to have a double, and how he undid me.. Without the slightest occasion he disclosed one of his brother's youthful penicillin escapades.. Do I hear some critics exclaiming that there is nothing remarkable about How the Widow Won the Deacon , the story by Lampton included in tylenol this volume? It handles an amusing situation lightly and with grace.. I'll slip off my shoes and lie down till Babe ties up the dog in the morning, said Ross. xanax. Still, he phentermine bein' a boarder and deputy sheriff, he might accidentally do us some good...

11:14 PM  
Blogger cray said...

"If you like lipstick and heels, wear 'em!"

Agreed, I only ask you (and everyone, everywhere, over every discipline, gender, social class...) to be self-critical and reflect.

WHY do you like the lipstick and heels?

WHY does it make you feel beautiful?

If you can answer these questions, all the more power to you. Constantly ask these questions. Constantly ask yourself if they make you feel beautiful because of our unrealistic views of beauty for women.

9:41 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...


My name is Camille Johnson and recently there was a video posted by three very internet famous guys that was very sexist and terrible, and not many people have really responded in a big way. I've seen people post about how offensive it was on Tumblr, but I think everyone needs to know the flaw in this video and these guys who are making such a big impression on young girls, so I made a video explaining to females that they shouldn't be subjected to this. I was wondering if you would be willing to post it so we can spread this information and maybe get this video seen by as many people as possible. Here's the link:

Thank you so much for your time,

11:29 AM  

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